Recent surveys have shown that approximately 80% of Americans ages 18 to 49 want whiter teeth. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Americans have spent upwards of $1.4 billion on at-home teeth whitening products in a year span. A shocking 45 million Americans have had professional teeth whitening, according to Mintel.
Are you interested in getting a brighter, whiter smile? Debating which method will get you the results you desire? Both professional and at-home teeth whitening methods have their own sets of pros and cons, all of which should be considered while deciding which avenue is best for you.
There are various over-the-counter teeth whitening products available that all have different types of applications. If considering an at-home method, you can choose between a wide variety of options based on ease of application, results, and length of use.
Whitening Rinses – Whitening rinses are used exactly like mouthwash, just swirl it around in your mouth for a minute. The whitening agent in the mouthwash helps to gradually whiten your teeth. In some cases, dentists will recommend using a whitening rinse to help prevent new stains after professional treatment.
Whitening Toothpaste – Whitening toothpaste is one of the most common products on the market today. The ingredients include products that help to remove surface stains while brushing and have gradual brightening properties. Unfortunately, whitening toothpaste can cause sensitive teeth.
Gel Strips – Gel strips are exactly what they sound like, strips with whitening gel that are applied to your teeth. Usually, these products are applied once a day and need to sit for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Depending on the product, they need to be worn daily for approximately 10 to 20 days. Like whitening toothpaste, gel strips can be hurtful for those with sensitive teeth.
Whitening Trays – Whitening trays are tooth molds that are filled with a gel and fit over your teeth. Though they help you see results quickly, the trays are not custom made so they may not fit correctly and could irritate your gums.
Custom-Made Whitening Trays – Whitening trays are custom-made to fit your teeth firmly and precisely. They are then filled with a whitening solution, usually stronger than ones found in at-home kits. The cosmetic dentistry team will supervise the procedure, potentially using a light or heat source to speed up the process.
Laser Treatment – Laser teeth whitening treatments use a special light and a whitening gel to remove stains and brighten your teeth. The non-invasive procedure involves applying multiple layers of gel and the entire procedure takes about 45 minutes. Laser teeth whitening treatment methods have the quickest results, giving you a brighter smile almost instantly.
If your teeth and gums are in great condition, you have no sensitivity or underlying issues, then an at-home teeth whitening treatment may be best for you. Since they are easy to use and relatively cheap, an at-home method could give you the results you desire. However, if you have any sensitivity or dental issues, seeing a professional for a consultation is highly advised. A professional and experienced dental office can help safely whiten your teeth, helping to avoid any irritation.
Are you looking to get white teeth as quickly as possible? Then in-office procedures are probably your best bet. Dentists use stronger whitening solutions, meaning the results are nearly instantaneous. If you are located in the Burnt Hills, Clifton Park, or East Glenville, NY areas, count on Lake Hill Dental Care for professional teeth whitening! Contact us today to schedule a consultation.